Sunday, February 26, 2006

Montreal Night Festival

I found out about this a little too late to get anything sorted, but I think that it's worth a mention on the blog.

For the past 3 years, Montreal has had an annual night festival, this means that there are loads of things to see and do all night from Breakdancing competitions, all night comedy, late night ghost tours of the city to all night film marathons.

I also found out that there was some Choreography of Snowploughs, where the snowploughs that plough our very streets are seen in a new light, and dance to music. If only I'd known about this sooner... Ah well note to self for next year.

Smell what the 'Oroc' is cooking

This is Nick Oroc, he turned 30 yesterday you know! Happy Birthday Nick, a load of us all met up to celebrate him turning the big 3.0. I'd like to say that we all got together and discussed deep and meaningful topics, and in a way we did. But not sure if alcohol fueled ramblings count?

Here is an assortment of pictures from his party at Boule Noir (Like Riley's pool hall but classier).

1. Jez in his element, left - right: Random, Sarah, Jez, Random, Amanda.

2. Jez, Nick, Me

3. Nick straddling the sofa, notice the look of pride on Amanda's face.

4. Tanya and I discussing something probably very important

5. Jez and Aude (Jez's good lady)

6. Blake and Tanya

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Countries I've visited.

I found this link on a friends blog (thanks Rosie), and it shows all the countries I've visited, the red countries are the ones I've visited.

Apparently I have visited 11 countries or 4% of the planet. Here is me thinking that I hadn't travelled that much. I wonder if I can get to 10% by the time I hit 30? Best get a move on.

create your own visited country map

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Shameless Plug

Now I'm connected to the web, I've spent some time updating my site with animations, links and various other things. Yes this is a shameless plug, but as it's taken me so long to update, and everything is now more Montreal relevant, I felt that I should post it here.

Everything's connected now, obviously no Ubisoft stuff on there yet, but hopefully I'll get the nod to put some animation up here before too long.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Been 4 month's coming

Ok I bought this chair with the last of my relocation money way back in October, whilst in Toronto. But it's been sitting in Felicity's apartment ever since, it was an impluse buy, and I remember loving it when I bought it and at the time $395 didn't seem that big a deal...

It was finally brought down, but then I couldn't put it together as Felicity's dad had forgot to bring down the screws that keep it from falling apart. It is now, my entertainment chair, and I have to admit I'm loving the bubble chair action, it has rocking capabilities, and is great to sit and chill in after a hard day's work.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Saima on Tour...

It was really great to see her, especially as she got to see some true Montreal weather, and I have to say I was very impressed that she didn't complain once, so she obviously came well prepared... All about the layering. But suffice to say whilst she was here, I felt extemely comfortable in Montreal, to the point where it actually started to feel a little Bristol-like in certain places.

Managed to cram a lot in the the short time she was here, between heading up Mont Royal, to the Fete Des Neiges, to the random inprovised comedy night, and the stangely sinister bars, it was great to see her again, and I encourage any of you that has the urge to see some of Canada, to start in Montreal say hi, and then work your way west...

Thanks for visiting Saima, as I know you hated having your picture taken, so one last one for the flight home, your welcome back anytime. x

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Quick tour of the city

Realised that I have posted lots of socailising pictures, so decided that some culture was the order of the day, first chance since summer that I have toured the city... Drink it in, Montreal always goes down smooth

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