New Apartment / Flat
With being over 3000 miles away from home, an essential part of living in Montreal is going to be finding a decent appartment. I have found a great place just 20 minutes walk from work, and after 28 years it is actually the first time I have EVER lived completely alone.
Yeah, I've had room mates before, but now I am in a place where I don't have to worry about anything, I can make noise, cook at bizare times of night, wander from bedroom to shower without having to put on a house coat ;-)
I couldn't believe how cheap it is to live over here though... I'm paying just a little more than I was paying in Bristol, but the difference is... It's all mine. Ubisoft have been great, helping me get my appartment furnished. To the point where my appartment looks like an IKEA showroom, but the main thing is it's functional. Although I splashed out on a piece of artwork, which I think looks awesome in my bedroom. Even purchased a cool retro bubble chair on a recent trip to Toronto... Problem is, getting it to Montreal.