Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Day in the Life of me....

So I suppose that you'll be wondering what life at Ubisoft Montreal is like?

7.40am: Alarm goes off, thats usually set to CHOM 97.4 FM, I find that this helps me get up, but believe me if I've been drinking on a "School Night" this really isn't the best idea. This mornings track was Tom Petty - Runnin Down A Dream. Luckly I have an awesome shower, so I have no problem waking up, quick bowl of Honey Nut Cherrios with my TSN sports center and I'm out the door.

8.50am: I arrive in work, check my mails and check a few websites, one of which I've just been added too (http://www.strutyourreel.com/) and then on to the days tasks.

12.00pm: LUNCH, choices are rich, I'm in Montreal! But somehow I always end up getting a sandwich... Note to self, vary diet. Then maybe a quick game of Pro Evo.

1.00pm: Each animator is assigned a programmer to work with, as we are still in pre-production, there is still various designing of systems along with the animation to do, so the rest of my day will be split between discussions and meetings with my lead, and the programmers, where we will produce first pass animations to get the mechanics working and then we make it look pretty.

7.00pm: Hit the Gym!!! Haven't been for a couple of weeks since a friend and I competed in the Montreal 10k.

8.00pm: Home, food, TV/Beer/DVD

11.00pm: Bed - Sleep

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Montreal 10K

A friend and I entered into the Montreal 10k, run at the same time as the Half Marathon, I don't feel healthy enough to run that... Yet. But next year is a must

I had a blast, although I nearly threw up at the finish line, might be something to do with the sprinting to the end, or maybe it was just the moment?

Anyway... heres the proof:


My Time?

0:55:21.0 I was placed 611th out of about 2000, not bad, it's something to aim to beat next year though.

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