Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Night Drinkie's

Saima, Karen, Nick and Mag's

Karen with her $1,000,000 smile.

Karen nicked me tie...

Not really sure what Mag's is doing???

There have been plenty of pictures of me drinking in Montreal. So it’s time for me to give you some pictures of the bars Southport has to offer, needless to say Boxing night would bring out the class.

Karen has mentioned to me as one of my oldest friends that she was disappointed not to be on the blog, she wanted to be on. So not one to want to disappoint her I brought my camera out. Saima and I met up with everyone in a generic bar on Lord Street (the main street in Southport), where Nick had said that he was going to join us, since I hadn’t seen him since London in the summer.

From there the 2 Sarah’s wanted to pass through Maloney’s so that that could see the barmen (They like to throw their bottles around), but the rest of us fancied going to Sugar near where I used to work, to show how much class this place has, it had a pole installed, of course the girls love it, and admittedly so do the boys. Personally I like to see how bad some of the so called ‘pole dancing’ is, which is usually just girls generically gyrating against the pole, trying to impress the fellas… Doesn’t really do it for me it has to be said, but its comedy all the same.

Girls if you going to do it at all, at least make an effort, up step Sarah, who schools all comers.


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