Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Assassin's Creed Media

So I'm kinda happy I'm working on this project as I think is becoming a little obvious by now, so I'll try and keep the posts down to a minimum, obviously I can only show you stuff thats been made public, so chances are I'll only be posting the significant stuff.

But E3 this week, is huge for the team and I, and we are all really excited about how the pubic is going to recieve Assassin's Creed, as you can see we have manged to get the Exclusive E3 Game Informer cover, which is one of the biggest computer games magazines out there, in there will be a couple of screen shot, that can be seen here as well.

Assassins Creed Teaser.Mov
Here we have a link to the Pre E3 Teaser

Assassins Creed Game Trailers Media E3 2006
Here is a great link to all the media Game put together about the game during E3, including interviews with the Producer, which sheds a little more light on the project...

Anyway, as you can see it's shaping up to be pretty cool, and we're really excited about the future, but I'm sure that there will be plenty more news about it in the coming months. So now you all know what I came here for, I'll stop being an Ass bore.

I'm off to enjoy some time off with Mum and Dad, enough shop talk.

Game of Show Possibly?


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