Sunday, December 07, 2008

Santa Dash 2008 in Liverpool


Thousands of Santas, ready to Dash around Liverpool Ho Ho Ho


A load of people in work suggested that I should do the Santa Dash, and this year Liverpool’s Santa Dash was trying to break a record, all we needed was over 8000 Santa’s willing to freeze their bits off whilst running 5K around Liverpool city center.

Well we only just missed the record by a couple of hundred but running around the city with 7000 other Santa’s is a very strange experience, as we were running up one of the roads in the middle of town all that we could see was a sea of red…

Dash_03Sea of Santa and…

Dash_02…Santa is (apparently) an Evertonian

Anyway, the first half of the run for me at least was supposed to be “fun” which it was, even though I found myself weaving in and out of everyone as I felt the pace was too slow, so my second half competitve streak kicked in and our final time after a sprint finish ended up being around 27 minutes, not bad, but come on I was wearing a Santa Suit…  You ever tried running 5k in a santa suit???

DSC00032 That’s me on the right in the beard :-)


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